Team Red, White, and Blue
Our team at Sign Distinction is active with Team Red White and Blue--both nationally and locally with Team RWB San Diego. Proud to take part and please feel free to call our office for more information on how you can help enrich the lives of America's Veterans.
Team Red, White & Blue’s vision is to transform the way wounded veterans are reintegrated into society when they return from combat and exit their position in the Active Duty force or National Guard. Team RWB chapters and communities deliver consistent, local opportunities for veterans and the community to connect through physical and social activity. They host weekly fitness activities, monthly social events, and participate in local races and events together. These programs are at the core of Team RWB’s mission. Please watch the video below for more information on why we support this incredible cause.

From Laurie Wilkinson-Hollander (Team RWB team member and founder of Help Our Military Heroes --Why it's important to her:
Mike served with my son, Sgt Robert Wilkinson. While on patrol in Nowzad, Mike stepped on an IED (3/2009) He took actions to treat his own loss of limb, maintained radio contact to support his men and lost is life in small arms fire. More than 5 Marines are alive today due to his selfless & heroic actions that day.
To some on this email chain, you know of or you ARE responsible for troops coming home safely, have loss dear friends, or all of the above. I' m just so grateful to you for your service and will never forget the entire Ouellette family.
Mike, posthumously, was awarded the Navy Cross(11/10) for his bravery.
He will always be a Marine that HOMH honors and remembers.
More than 40 messages were included by the time we presented the well-traveled (200+ miles) honor banner to his mom and sister, Donna & Steph, at the finish line!